I didn't actually think I would create a blog of my own. My life isn't exactly as fun-filled as most of your lives, I don't think. I will post some information about myself in the profile section as time permits. Whoever that wishes to view this blog. I give you my sincere thanks for reading whatever stories I have to tell.
Before I start anything though, I would like to hear from people what I should be posting (or what you might like to see) in this blog, other than just my life.
I will also need to learn how to do many things about blogging, such as how to upload pictures (ie, photobucket, flickr, etc), videos (youtube, etc).
I will be very inexperienced for this beginning month or so, so please be patient and forgive any mistakes I may make which could possibly offend you (the viewers, as you are the important people ;D )
I am generally a happy guy, I do hope that over time, that feeling does not change with me.
So lets see...
For the first post, I'll post about something that I am/have been interested in for a long time.
Mainly in their anime and electronic sectors.
Big fan of animes and technical innovations.
Since I live in Canada, I have already bought AnimeNorth 2009 tickets which is on May 22-24, 09. I hope to see alot of things happen there as I went last year. Very fun times. I'll most likely post images from AnimeNorth 2008, AnimeExpo 2008, and AnimeNorth 2009 when I get around to it.
I watch many anime series also, unfortunate, I do not have a method to share what I have watched with you all.
The typical genres I like to indulge myself into includes Comedy, Romance and Drama. Although I have watched gundam anime (even Zeta, hahaha.. =x). I do not really enjoy them because I feel slightly unhappy to watch the same things happen again and again.
Example: Good guys meet bad guys, good guys losing, good guys gets power ups, good guys winning, bad guys losing, bad guys comes back, bad guys gets power ups, good guys losing, *loops*, *near end of series*, good guys power ups some more, bad guys dies (finally).
That just doesn't appeal to me anymore. haha.. I'm sorry.
As for the technology of Japan which I like, they use robots far more than we do in Canada. ie, in the automobile industry. I would love to visit japan to see how far ahead they are in tech. Those walking legs invented by Honda might be useful, I can't seem to walk far distances before my feet starts hurting. For your information, I am already wearing orthotics.
Link: http://gizmodo.com/5212161/how-it-feels-to-walk-with-hondas-cyborg-legs
I guess I'll rap up the first post with a few interesting links I found online and a few practice photo and video uploads. Also, I should mention, its MOTHERS DAY in Canada, May 10. Go hug your mom and tell her how grateful you are for being born, etc, etc. It only happens once a year, so cherish it !
Love that flowchart. I don't play street fighter. But I'm sure I'll get rocked real hard if I did =x. No, I'm serious.
Starcraft II beta sign up. You might have already done it but if you didn't, enjoy ;)
Images: I might mention the first picture at a later date. Its a work I did a few weeks ago to put as my wallpaper. I am terrible at drawing so I didn't draw anything. Basically, I only did a few edits on it. I'll post more on it later though (including the source of the image, so please don't kill me D: ).
PatchCON, a Touhou game, I found it interesting that Cirno's (character in game) face was made.
Video of me playing piano, song is Kotoko - Allegretto.
Pictures for my mother.
And a poem to go with ;)
Today I say "Thank you mom",
The love you gave has made me numb.
Forever I will cherish those memories,
So here are some roses and lillies.
Please accept my humble gift,
and look after me until twenty-twenty-fifth (2025).
Its so hard to rhyme >_< !!
My english received 68... laugh if you want, but I can still write a poem !
Have a good day, enjoy it to the fullest !
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