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Just another anime enthusiast.

Sunday, June 27, 2010


Bawahahaha !

I still don't know a piece of html, other than the span codes to make the stuff hidden (maybe theres more uses for it but I don't know about them). But using some thinking, I was successful in adding the picture to the blog. As shown to the right side above the search bar.

Basically what I did was, take a look at the html from one of the posts which had an image added. Copy that code to the search gadget, then replace all the URLs of the image with the new image.

Of course, that image is still hosted at tinypic, and it may one day be brought down. Should that happen, I shall upload it on picasa and change the URL to there. So its here to stay!

Unless of course, something comes up and I feel a need to change it. Although, with my art skills, odds of making something better are slim. But dear readers are free to submit an art for the cause! Of course, your name/pen name/nickname/(whatever you choose) will be included so you may get internet fame ! LOL !

On another note, heres something I found. Shocking as it may be.

Video: Here (Possibly NSFW)

The download link is in that video's description. Though what the video shows you have more features than the one you download.

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