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Just another anime enthusiast.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Japan 111R Sixth Class

Today, we continue to learn verbs and nouns. We're up to 5 verbs now! And nouns just keep piling. I think we'll be able to carry out a proper conversation soon.

We were suppose to play bingo today but we missed it for some reason. It got pushed to the next class.

Surprisingly, there was no quiz today ! But there will be a quiz tomorrow. And the class after that, an oral quiz... Boooo!

The quiz we should have had but didn't was going to be about counting months and days, such as;
Nichiyoubi, Getsuyoubi, etc
Ichigatsu, Nigatsu, etc
Tsuitachi, Futsuka, etc

Tough stuff. I studied for it too. Oh well.

As for the presentation quiz in 2 weeks. We need to memorize a paragraph of about 8 sentences. Say it out properly, at a good speed and audible (can't say bengoshi as be-n-go-shi, gotta say it smoothly). Also we will be asked a question or two about the paragraph we read. Such as what certain things means (translation question).

I hope I don't mess up. I am terrible at presentation.

We learned quite a lot today, list below:
- Verbs imasu, arimasu
- Past tense of those words
- Negative tense of those words
- Difference between emphasis of subject and not
- Using "ha" and "ga"
- Ordering the sentence if there are many things like "_ de", "_ ni", etc
- Directional words
- ue, mae, soba, etc
- Location words
- book store, phamarmacy, station, etc
- How to ask what something is using "_tte nan desu ka"
- "yo" and "ne" and when they are used

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